Services tailored to you...

Our Accountancy Specialisms

With over five decades’ experience serving a diverse range of clients in the South West, we possess an unbeatable depth of knowledge across a wide range of industry sectors.

Our specialist partners and teams can provide expert advice on everything from farming and agriculture, to military tax allowances. We’re here to help you make the most of your planning opportunities so that you can grow with confidence.



Audits are often viewed as a necessity, but at Simpkins Edwards we treat auditing as an opportunity to improve effectiveness and profitability across your organisation.

Our qualified audit team work with you to gain a thorough understanding of every aspect of your business and provide an efficient service, with minimal disruption to your work. As well as verifying your accounts, we’re able to offer constructive feedback and actionable advice that can maximise your potential.

We work with:

• Charities

• Clubs and associations

• Grant claims

• Housing associations

• Limited companies

• Pension schemes

• Solicitors

Audit services are delivered by network firm, Simpkins Edwards Audit LLP a Limited Liability Partnership registered in England and Wales with number OC425324. Registered to carry on audit work in the UK by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW firm number: C009575170). Registered office: The Summit, Pynes Hill, Exeter, EX25WS. VAT No. 313792894. A list of members is available from the registered office.

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